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О пиратах, варезе и мошенниках в среде OpenCart

Topics about pirates, varese - nulled and scammers in the OpenCart environment.

What is the risk of using varez - nulled

About varese - nulled


To date, there are a lot of resources offering various OpenCart services, and the vast majority of them are frankly malicious in nature.

Scammers distribute someone else's software on various resources, both for free and for a fee (usually at very attractive prices). At the same time, they introduce deliberately malicious code into the software (software).


By downloading or buying extensions on such resources, you put at risk not only your sites and funds, but also the data of all your customers, because through various kinds of vulnerabilities embedded in illegal software, fraudsters get full access to their personal data. Not only does illegal software contain viruses, shels and other holes, so these "craftsmen" also cram miners and scripts for replacing props into it. The scripts for the substitution of details replace the payment data for your customers, resulting in a situation where the order is paid by the buyer and you also have it paid, and the fraudster receives the money. As a result, the buyer has paid and is waiting for the goods, and you find yourself without money and without goods, because the buyer is not to blame that you let scammers on the site. Unfortunately, such cases are not uncommon. By the way, many "web developers" and "webmasters" do not disdain such resources either.


If you delegated the authority to purchase modules to the contractor when creating sites and add-ons, then require them to confirm the origin of the modules and add-ons downloaded or purchased by them for OpenCart! It is mandatory to contact the authors of these additions to clarify the information, and best of all, purchase the necessary directly from the author on legal resources, where many developers provide their services! So you will be more than sure that you are purchasing or downloading a high-quality and clean addition from any sewn holes.


Remember that there is only one way to avoid such excesses - to purchase and/ or download the extensions you need only on legal resources! On such sites, everything is open and fair, without censorship, the authors have no way to remove objectionable reviews if they correspond to reality!


For more information, see the article in the Documentation section: Security Basics for an online store on opencart.

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