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Экспорт в pdf отфильтрованный массив товаров ocfilter

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как получить отфильтрованный массив товаров? Делаю со страницы категории экспорт товаров в PDF формат, в pdf попадают все товары


	if ($category_info) {
			/*// OCFilter start
			if (isset($this->request->get['filter_ocfilter'])) {
				$filter_ocfilter = $this->request->get['filter_ocfilter'];
			} else {
				$filter_ocfilter = '';
			// OCFilter end*/
			if (isset($this->request->get['filter'])) {
				$filter = $this->request->get['filter'];
			} else {
				$filter = '';

		if (isset($this->request->get['sort'])) {
			$sort = $this->request->get['sort'];
		} else {
			$sort = 'p.sort_order';

		if (isset($this->request->get['order'])) {
			$order = $this->request->get['order'];
		} else {
			$order = 'ASC';

		if (isset($this->request->get['page'])) {
			$page = $this->request->get['page'];
		} else {
			$page = 1;

		if (isset($this->request->get['limit'])) {
			$limit = (int)$this->request->get['limit'];
		} else {
			$limit = $this->config->get($this->config->get('config_theme') . '_product_limit');
			$data['heading_title'] = $category_info['name'];

			$data['text_refine'] = $this->language->get('text_refine');
			$data['text_empty'] = $this->language->get('text_empty');
			$data['text_quantity'] = $this->language->get('text_quantity');
			$data['text_manufacturer'] = $this->language->get('text_manufacturer');
			$data['text_model'] = $this->language->get('text_model');
			$data['text_price'] = $this->language->get('text_price');

			$data['products'] = array();
			$filter_data = array(
				'filter_category_id' => $category_id,
				'filter_filter'      => $filter,
				'sort'               => $sort,
				'order'              => $order,
				'start'              => ($page - 1) * $limit,
				'limit'              => 10000
			/*// OCFilter start
			$filter_data['filter_ocfilter'] = $filter_ocfilter;
			// OCFilter end*/

      // OCFilter start
      if ($this->registry->get('ocfilter') && $this->ocfilter->startup() && $this->ocfilter->api->useSubCategory() && $this->ocfilter->api->isSelected() && empty($filter_data['filter_sub_category'])) {
        $filter_data['filter_sub_category'] = true;
      // OCFilter end
			$product_total = $this->model_catalog_product->getTotalProducts($filter_data);
			$results = $this->model_catalog_product->getProducts($filter_data);

            // Unit of measure →

            $product_ids = array();

            foreach ($results as $result) {
                $product_ids[] = $result['product_id'];

            $units_result = $this->model_extension_module_unit_of_measure->getUnits($product_ids);
            // ← Unit of measure

			foreach ($results as $result) {
				if ($result['image']) {
					$image = $this->model_tool_image->resize($result['image'], $this->config->get($this->config->get('config_theme') . '_image_product_width'), $this->config->get($this->config->get('config_theme') . '_image_product_height'));
				} else {
					$image = $this->model_tool_image->resize('placeholder.png', $this->config->get($this->config->get('config_theme') . '_image_product_width'), $this->config->get($this->config->get('config_theme') . '_image_product_height'));

				if ($this->customer->isLogged() || !$this->config->get('config_customer_price')) {
					$price = $result['price'];
				} else {
					$price = false;

				if ((float)$result['special']) {
					$special = $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($result['special'], $result['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), $this->session->data['currency']);

        if ($this->currency->has($this->config->get('config_currency2')) && ($this->config->get('config_currency2') != $this->session->data['currency'])) {
            $special .= ' (' . $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($result['special'], $result['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), $this->config->get('config_currency2')) . ')';
				} else {
					$special = false;

				$data['products'][] = array(

            'unit_of_measure'        => isset($units_result[$result['product_id']]) ? html_entity_decode($units_result[$result['product_id']], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : '',
					'product_id'  		=> $result['product_id'],
					'thumb'       		=> $image,
					'name'        		=> $result['name'],
					'model'       		=> $result['model'],
					'collection'  		=> $result['collection'],
					'attribute_groups'  => $this->model_catalog_product->getProductAttributes($result['product_id']),
					'price'       		=> (int)$price . ' руб',
					'special'     		=> $special,
					'href'        		=> $this->url->link('product/product', 'path=' . $this->request->get['path'] . '&product_id=' . $result['product_id'] . $url)
            $template = 'product/category';


			$headerHTML = '
				<div style="float: left; width: 340px; text-align: left">
					<a target="_blank" href="' . HTTPS_SERVER . '"><img style="max-width:100%;max-height:180px" src="/image/'.$this->config->get('config_logo').'" /></a>
				<div style="float: right; width: 340px; text-align: right; color: #808180">
					' . nl2br($this->config->get('config_address')) . '<br/>
					' . $this->config->get('config_telephone') . '<br/>
					' . $this->config->get('config_email') . '<br/>
					<a style="color:blue; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank" href="' . HTTPS_SERVER . '">' . HTTPS_SERVER . '</a>
				<div class="clear"></div>


			if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/product/category_price.tpl')) {
				$this->template = $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/product/category_price.tpl';
			} else {
				$this->template = 'default/template/product/category_price.tpl';
			$today = date("d.m.Y");

			$mpdf = new mPDF('utf-8', 'A4', 7, 'Helvetica', 20, 5, 35, 5);
			$mpdf->name = $category_info['name'] . '.pdf';
			$mpdf->WriteHTML($this->load->view('product/category_price.tpl', $data));
			$mpdf->Output('Прайс_' . $today . '.pdf', 'D');


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В 22.08.2023 в 14:19, AlexDW сказал:

вероятно раскомментировать части кода с $filter_ocfilter

не помогает, это при старой версии фильтра было... и все ок работало. С новой не работает

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  • 3 месяца спустя...
В 22.08.2023 в 16:29, AlexDW сказал:

отслеживайте что у вас в $filter_data передается


тут все ок

Array ( 
	[filter_category_id] => 61 
	[filter_filter] => 
	[sort] => p.sort_order 
	[order] => ASC 
	[start] => 0 
	[limit] => 10000 


в results соответственно попадают все товары из категории id=61.
А как получить массив с отфильтрованным списком никак не пойму. Помогите, пожалуйста.


функция экспорта в PDF

public function pdf() {


		if (isset($this->request->get['path'])) {
			$url = '';

			if (isset($this->request->get['sort'])) {
				$url .= '&sort=' . $this->request->get['sort'];

			if (isset($this->request->get['order'])) {
				$url .= '&order=' . $this->request->get['order'];

			if (isset($this->request->get['limit'])) {
				$url .= '&limit=' . $this->request->get['limit'];

			$path = '';

			$parts = explode('_', (string)$this->request->get['path']);

			$category_id = (int)array_pop($parts);

			foreach ($parts as $path_id) {
				if (!$path) {
					$path = (int)$path_id;
				} else {
					$path .= '_' . (int)$path_id;

				$category_info = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($path_id);

				if ($category_info) {
					$data['breadcrumbs'][] = array(
						'text' => $category_info['name'],
						'href' => $this->url->link('product/category', 'path=' . $path . $url)
		} else {
			$category_id = 0;

		$category_info = $this->model_catalog_category->getCategory($category_id);

		if ($category_info) {
		if (isset($this->request->get['filter'])) {
			$filter = $this->request->get['filter'];
		} else {
			$filter = '';

		if (isset($this->request->get['sort'])) {
			$sort = $this->request->get['sort'];
		} else {
			$sort = 'p.sort_order';

		if (isset($this->request->get['order'])) {
			$order = $this->request->get['order'];
		} else {
			$order = 'ASC';

		if (isset($this->request->get['page'])) {
			$page = $this->request->get['page'];
		} else {
			$page = 1;

		if (isset($this->request->get['limit'])) {
			$limit = (int)$this->request->get['limit'];
		} else {
			$limit = $this->config->get($this->config->get('config_theme') . '_product_limit');
			$data['heading_title'] = $category_info['name'];

			$data['text_refine'] = $this->language->get('text_refine');
			$data['text_empty'] = $this->language->get('text_empty');
			$data['text_quantity'] = $this->language->get('text_quantity');
			$data['text_manufacturer'] = $this->language->get('text_manufacturer');
			$data['text_model'] = $this->language->get('text_model');
			$data['text_price'] = $this->language->get('text_price');

			$data['products'] = array();
			$filter_data = array(
				'filter_category_id' => $category_id,
				'filter_filter'      => $filter,
				'sort'               => $sort,
				'order'              => $order,
				'start'              => ($page - 1) * $limit,
				'limit'              => 10000

		  // OCFilter start
		  if ($this->registry->get('ocfilter') && $this->ocfilter->startup() && $this->ocfilter->api->useSubCategory() && $this->ocfilter->api->isSelected() && empty($filter_data['filter_sub_category'])) {
			$filter_data['filter_sub_category'] = true;
		  // OCFilter end
			$product_total = $this->model_catalog_product->getTotalProducts($filter_data);
			$results = $this->model_catalog_product->getProducts($filter_data);

			foreach ($results as $result) {
				if ($result['image']) {
					$image = $this->model_tool_image->resize($result['image'], $this->config->get($this->config->get('config_theme') . '_image_product_width'), $this->config->get($this->config->get('config_theme') . '_image_product_height'));
				} else {
					$image = $this->model_tool_image->resize('placeholder.png', $this->config->get($this->config->get('config_theme') . '_image_product_width'), $this->config->get($this->config->get('config_theme') . '_image_product_height'));

				if ($this->customer->isLogged() || !$this->config->get('config_customer_price')) {
					$price = $result['price'];
				} else {
					$price = false;

				if ((float)$result['special']) {
					$special = $this->currency->format($this->tax->calculate($result['special'], $result['tax_class_id'], $this->config->get('config_tax')), $this->session->data['currency']);
				} else {
					$special = false;

				$data['products'][] = array(           
					'product_id'  		=> $result['product_id'],
					'thumb'       		=> $image,
					'name'        		=> $result['name'],
					'model'       		=> $result['model'],
					'collection'  		=> $result['collection'],
					'attribute_groups'  => $this->model_catalog_product->getProductAttributes($result['product_id']),
					'price'       		=> (int)$price,
					'special'     		=> $special,
					'href'        		=> $this->url->link('product/product', 'path=' . $this->request->get['path'] . '&product_id=' . $result['product_id'] . $url)
			$headerHTML = '
				<div style="float: left; width: 340px; text-align: left">
					<a target="_blank" href="' . HTTPS_SERVER . '"><img style="max-width:100%;max-height:180px" src="/image/'.$this->config->get('config_logo').'" /></a>
				<div style="float: right; width: 340px; text-align: right; color: #808180">
					' . nl2br($this->config->get('config_address')) . '<br/>
					' . $this->config->get('config_telephone') . '<br/>
					' . $this->config->get('config_email') . '<br/>
					<a style="color:blue; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank" href="' . HTTPS_SERVER . '">' . HTTPS_SERVER . '</a>
				<div class="clear"></div>

			if (file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/product/price_to_pdf.tpl')) {
				$this->template = $this->config->get('config_template') . '/template/product/price_to_pdf.tpl';
			} else {
				$this->template = 'default/template/product/price_to_pdf.tpl';
			$today = date("d.m.Y");

			$mpdf = new mPDF('utf-8', 'A4', 7, 'Helvetica', 20, 5, 35, 5);
			$mpdf->name = $category_info['name'] . '.pdf';
			$mpdf->WriteHTML($this->load->view('product/price_to_pdf.tpl', $data));
			$mpdf->Output('Прайс_' . $today . '.pdf', 'D');



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отслеживать какие входные данные идут в запрос выборки

и что там происходит

$product_total = $this->model_catalog_product->getTotalProducts($filter_data);
$results = $this->model_catalog_product->getProducts($filter_data);
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